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ok小说网 > 天界那些事蒋家天下 > 第150章 第 150 章

第150章 第 150 章


so ok.s said.everybody like light.but the world is saturation.but.s raise intonation.like Poor countries maybe isn\'t like we thing\'s poor

Globalization of finance and trade.bc said

ys.Zhangqiang said.

so we need do something.bc said.but I worried about this.would.Offence old money aestheice's interest.

s frown

how are you?bc.asked him

the us has gun.s said

you worried my secure?

I worried we.Zhangqiang.liuqi and you.ect.s said

you.ergot sai to s.take we Make money from poor countries and then escapeand return us.and then entrap the old money aestheices


