distribution of wealth\'s Dynamic change.bc said to Zhangqiang and his group.The world\'s database…
I think we need …no.Zhangqiang said
produce.and income.nc said
can you talk some grey income?s said
why?bc asked
s Shake head andsaid.I think we need to know
you want to do a big thing?bc know
we need to know.s sai
try?Zhangqiang asked bc
you want to find what?bc said to s.I can tell you
no.youdon't know.if you want something.I think first we should to know some grey income
the world need civilization.s.bc said
I think the cs2 also need and want to know.we"d do.
like that armcountdj ?bc asked
you have the capacity.s said to bc
you want me go big or go home.bc said
early on he let wo go big or go home.liuqi said to bc