
关灯 护眼
ok小说网 > 人在诡异世界,靠摆烂征服天下 > 第92章



“the reason why the chosen ones from the dragon country are inactive is definitely due to the instructions from the dragon country, preventing shiran from saving kasi(龙国的天选者之所以不作为,绝对是受到了龙国的指示,不让天选者时冉拯救卡斯),

everybody knows that shiran has the ability to stop time(每一个人都知道,时冉拥有时空静止的天赋),

she is fully capable of saving kasi(她完全有能力拯救卡斯),

but she did nothing(但是她却什么都没有做),

we express great regret regarding the dragon country's actions(对于龙国的做法,我们表示十分痛心),

humanity has reached its most dangerous moment(人类已经到了最危险的时刻),

ust work together and make an effort(我们必须齐心协力),

we strongly condemn the actions of the dragon country,we call on all nations to(我们强烈谴责龙国的做法,也呼吁各国),

let's work together to overe this difficult situation(让我们齐心协力,共度难关)。”




[as the diplomat said, she had the ability to save kass, but she watched the child die cruelly, and she was a selfish person(就像外交官先生说的,她完全有能力拯救卡斯,她却眼睁睁的看着那个孩子残忍的死去,她是个自私的人)]



“the reason why the chosen ones from the dragon country are inactive is definitely due to the instructions from the dragon country, preventing shiran from saving kasi(龙国的天选者之所以不作为,绝对是受到了龙国的指示,不让天选者时冉拯救卡斯),

everybody knows that shiran has the ability to stop time(每一个人都知道,时冉拥有时空静止的天赋),

she is fully capable of saving kasi(她完全有能力拯救卡斯),

but she did nothing(但是她却什么都没有做),

we express great regret regarding the dragon country's actions(对于龙国的做法,我们表示十分痛心),

humanity has reached its most dangerous moment(人类已经到了最危险的时刻),

ust work together and make an effort(我们必须齐心协力),

we strongly condemn the actions of the dragon country,we call on all nations to(我们强烈谴责龙国的做法,也呼吁各国),

let's work together to overe this difficult situation(让我们齐心协力,共度难关)。”




[as the diplomat said, she had the ability to save kass, but she watched the child die cruelly, and she was a selfish person(就像外交官先生说的,她完全有能力拯救卡斯,她却眼睁睁的看着那个孩子残忍的死去,她是个自私的人)]
