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第468章 第 468 章


this.party for celebrate we acquisition tom Ford success!the ud boss said.let\'s .recognize bc!

youth.Florida governor said.nice to meet you.and wish you!I play ud too.and I also poly dipi.may be you don\'t know.I think dipi is.a good.game.would you like talk to me with dipi game?I know you\'re the lead in it

you\'re welcome.bc said.I m ok

good.Florida governor said.

then they.talk.

time go on

a week ago

and the.big white villa welcome a new guest.he is Florida governor!

bc!he said.I miss you.so I went to see you.would you like to be my assistant?

ok.bc said

what school you graduate?Florida governor asked

high school.bc said.no name.

the Florida governor eyes he deeply.and then said.ok.welcome to be my assistant.

why me?bc asked

a week time.Florida governor said to he kindly.I know your leader the team so good.and you er so clover.

this words don\'t let s know would be.better.bc said

why?Florida governor said

because clever in his head is a bad word.bc said

ah.I want to see.him.Florida governor said

he is busy to play game.bc said.to make money.

who talk me.s said

nothing.bc said

internet ing.Florida governor said

so.what would I do for you?bc asked Florida governor.

you\'ll come next Monday.ok?Florida governor said

ok.bc said.

a week

youth.dear.bc.Florida governor said.I will be transferred to another post.you take my job.

ok.bc said

then presidential election will coming.I keep an eye on you.Florida governor said

ok.bc said

I announce.us President said to everyone.neat president is.bc!


