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ok小说网 > 天界那些事蒋家天下 > 第466章 第 466 章

第466章 第 466 章


I Make fun of British Interest First.and i m a France.and I m romantic frist.flowers and green said to Mr Yao.when afternoon.she invited him drinking coffee.when I saw you.I think the handsome boy is an out of the ordinary man.then.she drink a little coffee.

when.s came in.

boss.Mr Yao asked s.so now what would we doing?play?

play.s said.

but.Mr Yao asked

do not let ys know we.s said.money got in our hand.and war over.you sell little medicine and do what you should or want to do.and wait me signal.then back to England.

ok.Mr Yao said

ah.flowers and green.s said.did you want to have a travel?to see outside Florida's landscape?

as long I m a France.but I Growing up here.and familiarized here.flowers and green said to s.then Put down the coffee cup.and smile.of course I want to see different landscape.

ok.s said.Mr Yao.take her to England.

boss.this.time I went to England should "Talk about business.tAke her may be could doing nothing.

'nothing is.thing.'s.said.

ok.boss.you are.so conservative as the place is England?Mr Yao asked

I want to buy the England face powder.flowers and green said


