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第415章 第 415 章


attack stop and ys and bc ready for wowers counterattack ed.but nothing happen.so calm

they afraid ed of us.ys.said

right.bc and cs2and dipi players said.then forgot this.things fast

time go on

when new years coming

good!ys.said to bc.we.can happy

then play game.

oh!bc die in game

what happened?ys asked.why you lose?

I don\'t know.bc on bed.and said.so many wowers attack ed I.and my.cure lose first.

then ys.due in game

what\'s wrong?so many wowers?he asked and angry!

I m die.but ys hadn\'t say finished s say lose too!

had top wowers appear?ys.asked.and in sober

I can\'t see clearly.s said

me too.bc said.so many wowers


