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ok小说网 > 天界那些事蒋家天下 > 第387章 第 387 章

第387章 第 387 章


Guan Sanye want to broken ys.but Xujiayi before him broken s to stop s occur things.

s want to deliver his emotion to ys but lose

so.cuideShan said to ys.you with Xujiayi ok?

no.I want s.ys said and protect xujiayi

we are over.s said to ys.I don\'t want to continue.don't talk me any more.

and s.said to bc.so things is like this.and he.said.I don't want to love everyone.we are brother

I love you.bc said

okey.s said.let me forgot ys.I think he is.too trouble.

to the end.money belongs to money.and none belongs to none.bc said.

right.rose said

and ys.give heart to guansanye

too late.s said.I m tired

late.bc said

an words bc do not say.but palyers want to know

you.should pay money for bc.

some one give so many money to bc.and bc said.you think why rose buy tow lipsticks not one.

maybe she want to give one to flowers and green.someone said

no.rose said.negatived them delusion

no.bc also said and agree to rose s idea

that's gold lili all agree.bc said.

gold lili appear and bc.zhangxu.s busy to get her.but she fast run away


