s.tamen food to liuqi ergou Zhangpeng.and asked.is bc had message?
no.they said.
what about if b?
no.they said
s fly to Italy.and Disguise.
yourmaster\'s dinner.s said to Anthony\'s arrendant
new attendant?he asked.you went to give master.please
an s went
then.s see Anthony.
Anthony had dinner.and bc is trussed up at here.
s\'s.heart confusion.before he went there.he.knowed ys love Xujiayi for a long time.and ys love he all because his goodmother(not bad Guan mother).and Huang xuejiao said this and stimulate his good mother.and her give him to Zhang.s lose hope to ys.but this time he had no time.to think that.
Anthony bow head for dinner
s near bc.and take him an blade.in an Low voice said went to airport
before Anthony reaction.bc rapid freedom himself.and they are out the window for 15 storey!layer-by-layer excepted
gun\'s sounds coming.but s and bc had body armor.then on land and take a car went!
Anthony can\'t track because s changed police uniform
Master.the Arrendant said.they run
I know.Anthony said sober edly.but I had no evidence proved bc had Guilty
What will he come for?the Arrendant saked
I don\'t know now.but you give a telephone to Yamaguchi Baihui.saI\'d I want to listening her song.