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ok小说网 > 天界那些事蒋家天下 > 第170章 第 170 章

第170章 第 170 章


s want to steal wow\'s database.and bc know the key.so s drugging a cup of wine and give bc to looked him drink it

bc be awakened by the mobile phone.what?he asked.

wow encounter with Destructive attack!

where is s?he asked

Unknown.ergou said

afternoon.s back.bc Grabbed this collar and ask.is you?is you

what?s ask

bc Give him a punch!you destruct wow!

s straighten up.and give bc an ironysmile.why me?

good.bc said.Approach him.Tear open s\'s close.and □□ s

go to hell!s cursed.I had lover

but you also me right?bc said in him

rubbish!s said.I will take all your money away!

I have no money.bc laughing

yell.bc said.the best thing is everybody could listened your voice now.

I m here.ys said.and also in s


