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ok小说网 > 天界那些事蒋家天下 > 第143章 第 143 章

第143章 第 143 章


Scarcity Principle.library.afternoon.bc played game over.feel well.so ment to there to read.book

lRicardosaid.Scarcity Principle.he said.some prices maybe after years can rised on a very high level.bc in deep meditation.first.he is a Top-player.his prices.like Liuqi.today is a new world.the world need him.not he need the world.so how do he use his this prices?

so bc went out Zhangqiang'house.and liuqi also at there.bc think that's.so good.so he talk his ideas.to them.

but.liquid said.you.at wow.our at cs2

bc said.he also played cs2.

that's good.liuqi said pale and then simel

Zhangqiang.said to bc.yesterday as traitors,they lose action.

what action?bc asked Zhangqiang

the Mafia.Zhangqiang said

what can I do?bc asked

haven't you ever thought about your electronic information's natural resources?Zhangqiang ask bc in reply


