feel ematinees.players said
you remember some people in your heart,and then you could have power.bc said
who's people
just like one give you happy.or one say something you never thinking and you heat you soup feeling beautiful .like this people's.remember them
papas said tobc ect,s,said your had capacity,please show me.to know
so ,boys try to draw
Jin Lili draw 10paintings
bc 9
papa find bc something wrong ,so ask him
papa ask again
bc said s said her love me
oh?!let her come to our house
but I don\'t want to ,her defile my love
because her say love to you?
others love me ok?!bc"s girlfriend ask him
yes.said our.our top!our no.1 bc said lovers can love others!
over.over.over!!wow players all game over!wow players said,our lover not worth a cent!wow game over!thanks!thanks wow!thanks bc !thanks word thanks!